This is a privacy policy, which outlines the terms and conditions related to privacy and data protection between HIGHDARE INTERNATIONAL LLPĀ  (referred to as "We"/ "Us"/ "Our"/ "Company") and the users (referred to as "You"/"Your"/"Yourself"). This excerpt emphasizes that the privacy policy is considered an electronic contract formed under the Information Technology Act, 2000, and its relevant rules and amendments regarding electronic documents/records.

Additionally, it states that the privacy policy doesn't necessitate any physical, electronic, or digital signature, highlighting the electronic nature of the agreement. This is a common practice in the digital era, where agreements and contracts are often formed electronically. The purpose of such privacy policies is to establish guidelines for the collection, use, and protection of user data by the company. If you have specific questions about this privacy policy or if you need further information, it's recommended to refer to the complete document provided by HIGHDARE INTERNATIONAL LLP or contact them directly.

Certainly, this excerpt further clarifies that the privacy policy is a legally binding document between the user (referred to as "you") and HIGHDARE INTERNATIONAL LLP. The terms of the privacy policy become effective upon your acceptance of it, whether directly or indirectly in electronic form. Acceptance can be indicated by actions such as clicking on an "I accept" tab, using the website, or through other means. The privacy policy is designed to govern the relationship between you and HIGHDARE INTERNATIONAL LLP concerning your use of the website ("Website" as defined below in the document).

This underscores the importance of users reviewing and acknowledging the terms of the privacy policy before engaging with the website. It also emphasizes the legal nature of the agreement, making it clear that both parties are bound by the stipulations outlined in the privacy policy once acceptance is established. If you have any concerns or questions about the terms, it's advisable to seek clarification from HIGHDARE INTERNATIONAL LLP or consult the complete privacy policy document.

This section reinforces that the privacy policy is published in accordance with the Information Technology (reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data of information) rules, 2011, under the Information Technology Act, 2000. These rules mandate the publication of a privacy policy for the collection, use, storage, and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.

The document emphasizes that by using the website, you express your understanding, agreement, and consent to the terms outlined in the privacy policy. It's a crucial point that user consent is a fundamental aspect of data protection regulations.

If you disagree with the terms of the privacy policy, you are advised not to use the website. This reinforces the voluntary nature of using the services provided by the website.

Furthermore, it states that by providing your information or utilizing the website's facilities, you consent to the collection, storage, processing, and transfer of both your personal and non-personal information as specified in the privacy policy. The clause indicates that this data handling will not cause any loss or wrongful gain to you or any other person, providing reassurance regarding the responsible and lawful use of collected information.

This section of the privacy policy addresses the use of user information by the company;

1.     Service-Dependent Information: The collection of user information is described as service-dependent, meaning that the information gathered is necessary for the provision of the company's services. This is a common practice, as companies collect specific data required to deliver and enhance their services.

2.     Purposes of Use: The user information may be utilized for various purposes, including maintaining, protecting, and improving the services offered by the company. Additionally, it may be used for developing new services, including advertising services. This transparency about the purposes of data usage helps users understand how their information will be employed.

3.     Sensitivity of Information: The document mentions that the collected information will not be considered sensitive if it is freely available and accessible in the public domain. Furthermore, information furnished under specific laws, such as the Right to Information Act, 2005, or any other applicable law, is not treated as sensitive. This distinction helps clarify the scope of sensitive information and provides context for the types of data the company handles.

Overall, this section aims to communicate the company's intentions regarding user information, emphasizing the service-dependent nature of data collection and the specified purposes for using such information. Additionally, it clarifies the sensitivity of information based on its availability in the public domain or legal disclosure under relevant laws.

This section discusses the use of "cookies" or similar electronic tools to enhance the responsiveness of the website for users.

1.     Purpose of Cookies: Cookies are employed to improve the responsiveness of the website for users. By assigning each visitor a unique, random number as a User Identification (User ID), the website aims to understand individual interests using the Identified Computer. This helps in tailoring the user experience based on their preferences.

2.     Anonymous Browsing: Unless a user voluntarily identifies themselves, such as through registration, the website does not have a way of knowing who the user is, even if a cookie is assigned to their computer. The emphasis is on maintaining user privacy, especially if they choose not to disclose personal information.

3.     Limited Information in Cookies: Cookies do not contain personal information beyond what the user supplies. For example, if a user requests a Personalised Horoscope, the cookie may store that information, but it cannot read data from the user's hard drive.

4.     Advertiser Cookies: The document mentions that advertisers may also assign their own cookies to the user's browser, especially if the user clicks on their ads. However, the website indicates that they do not control this process, highlighting a potential third-party involvement in the data collection process.

5.     Automatic Collection of Information: The web servers automatically collect limited information about the user's computer's connection to the Internet, including the IP address. This non-personal information is used to deliver web pages upon request, customize the site based on user interests, measure site traffic, and provide advertisers with information about the geographic locations of visitors.

In summary, this section informs users about the use of cookies for enhancing user experience and describes how the website collects and utilizes information, emphasizing user privacy and the limited nature of the data stored in cookies. Additionally, it mentions the potential involvement of advertisers and the automatic collection of non-personal information by web servers.

This section clarifies the scope of the privacy policy, specifying that it applies solely to the company's own website.

1.     Limited to Own Website: The privacy policy is explicitly stated to disclose the privacy practices applicable to the company's own website. This means that the outlined policies, procedures, and commitments regarding user data pertain specifically to interactions and activities on their own web platform.

2.     Links to Other Websites: The website may provide links to other websites, but these external sites are beyond the company's control. This is a common disclaimer found in privacy policies, acknowledging that users may navigate to other online destinations through provided links.

3.     Non-Responsibility for External Sites: The company explicitly states that it will not be responsible in any way for the user's use of such external sites. This emphasizes the autonomy and independent privacy practices of third-party websites linked from the company's site.

This disclosure is important for users to understand that while the company is committed to protecting privacy on its own platform, the policies of external websites linked from theirs may differ. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of those external sites for information about their data practices. It also serves as a disclaimer, making it clear that the company cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices or content of external sites.


This section outlines the limited circumstances under which the company may share sensitive personal information without obtaining prior consent from the user:

1.     Legal Requirement or Government Request: The company may disclose sensitive personal information when it is requested or required by law, court, governmental agency, or authority. This disclosure may be for purposes such as verification of identity, prevention, detection, investigation (including cyber incidents), or for the prosecution and punishment of offenses. The disclosure is made in good faith and believed to be reasonably necessary for enforcing the terms of service, complying with applicable laws, and regulations.

2.     Internal Sharing within Group Companies: The company proposes to share sensitive personal information within its group companies, as well as with officers and employees of these group companies. This internal sharing is for the purpose of processing personal information on behalf of the company. It is emphasized that recipients of such information within the group agree to process the information based on the company's instructions and in compliance with the privacy policy. This includes adherence to appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

These disclosures provide transparency about the circumstances under which sensitive personal information may be shared without user consent. The company outlines a commitment to sharing information in compliance with legal requirements and ensuring that internal group entities adhere to privacy and security standards. Users are informed about the rationale behind such disclosures and the protective measures in place when sharing information with internal entities.

This section addresses the company's commitment to information security:

1.     Protection Measures: The company takes appropriate security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of data. This indicates a proactive approach to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data.

2.     Internal Reviews: Internal reviews of data collection, storage, and processing practices are conducted. This suggests a commitment to regularly assess and enhance the security protocols in place, reflecting a continuous improvement mindset.

3.     Security Measures: The document mentions the implementation of security measures, including appropriate encryption. Encryption is a method commonly used to secure data during transmission or while stored, enhancing the protection of sensitive information.

4.     Physical Security Measures: In addition to digital security measures, physical security measures are also mentioned. This implies that access to systems where personal data is stored is controlled to prevent unauthorized physical access.

Overall, this section assures users that the company is dedicated to maintaining the security of their data. By detailing the specific measures taken, such as encryption and physical security measures, it provides transparency and builds trust by demonstrating a commitment to protecting user information from unauthorized access or manipulation. Users can refer to this section to understand the steps the company has taken to ensure the security of their data.

Transmission through Payment Gateway:


Explains that such financial information is directly transmitted through the payment gateway provider to the payment network or bank.

This practice is in line with industry standards for online transactions, emphasizing the importance of securing financial data and ensuring that it is handled by trusted and secure payment processors. By not retaining this sensitive information, Double Horse aims to enhance the security of users' financial details during online transactions. Users can feel reassured that their credit card, debit card, or banking information is handled by specialized and secure payment systems.

This section provides additional details about the security measures in place for the information gathered on the website, as well as acknowledges the dynamic nature of the internet and the possibility of policy changes. Here are the key points:

1.     Secure Database: All information collected on the website is securely stored within a controlled database. This emphasizes the importance of secure data storage to prevent unauthorized access or breaches.

2.     Server Security: The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall. This adds an extra layer of protection, as firewalls help control and monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic, acting as a barrier between a secure internal network and the external internet.

3.     Password Protection and Limited Access: Access to the servers is password-protected and strictly limited. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access the servers, contributing to the overall security of the stored data.

4.     Security Limitations: Despite the effectiveness of security measures, the document acknowledges that no security system is impenetrable. This is an honest acknowledgment of the inherent challenges in securing data, even with robust measures in place.

5.     Transmission Over the Internet: The document highlights that the company cannot guarantee the security of the database or the interception-free transmission of information over the internet. This emphasizes the importance of user awareness about the potential risks associated with data transmission.

6.     Dynamic Nature of the Internet: Recognizing the evolving nature of the internet, the document states that the company may change its Privacy Policy from time to time to incorporate necessary future changes. This demonstrates a commitment to adapting to new circumstances and regulations.

7.     Consistency in Data Use: Regardless of policy changes, the use of gathered information will always be consistent with the policy under which the information was initially collected. This statement ensures that users can rely on the company to handle their information consistently and responsibly.

In summary, this section provides a detailed overview of the security measures in place, acknowledges the limitations of security systems, and addresses the dynamic nature of the internet with a commitment to maintaining consistency in data use despite potential policy changes. Users are informed about the efforts made to protect their data and are made aware of the evolving nature of the online environment.

This section outlines the grievance redressal mechanism for users who have complaints, concerns, or issues related to content, comments, or breaches of the terms.

1.     Designated Grievance Officer: Users are directed to contact the designated Grievance Officer, Anil Mohan, for any complaints, abuse, or concerns. The Grievance Officer serves as the point of contact for addressing issues related to the website's content or any violation of the terms and conditions.

2.     Communication Method: Users can inform the Grievance Officer about their complaints, abuse, or concerns either in writing or through email. It's specified that emails should be signed with an electronic signature, indicating a secure and verifiable method of communication.

3.     Contact Information: While the excerpt doesn't provide specific contact details, users would typically find the Grievance Officer's email address or other relevant contact information in the complete privacy policy or terms of service document.

4.     Prompt Resolution: The use of the term "immediately" suggests that the company is committed to addressing grievances in a timely manner. This demonstrates responsiveness to user concerns.

Users are encouraged to contact the designated Grievance Officer if they encounter problems or have concerns about the website's content or adherence to the terms.

Designated Grievance Officer




PH NO: +91 9846111232